Friday, 12 January 2018

Musical Instruments

A message from Ms. Hayward 

To end our Musical Instruments unit we will
be making our very own instruments!

·             I am asking that each student think about what sort of instrument s/he would like to make and bring in some materials from home to make it.
·             Students will think about how their instrument make sound (i.e. will they hit it, shake it, use air, use strings, etc.)
·             Students will bring in things they would like to use to make their own instrument (e.g. great materials include cans, boxes, containers with lids, bathroom tissue/paper towel/wrapping paper tubes, plastic combs and waxed paper, elastic bands, etc.)  Extra materials for students to share are also always welcome.
·             I will provide some items students can select to put in their instruments to make sound (e.g. rice, dried beans) but students are welcome to bring in items from home if they wish (e.g. coins, stones, metal washers, etc.)
·             Students are also invited to bring in odds and ends that they might like to use (and/or share) to decorate their instruments (e.g. ribbons, stickers, glitter glue, pom-poms, washi tape, etc.).  I will also provide some materials including markers, glue, and construction paper.
The instruments will be assessed as follows:
·             Explains choice of materials and how they make sound
·             Identifying which Musical Instrument Family (i.e. Percussion, Wind, Brass, Strings) their instrument would belong to according to how the sound is made.
·             Demonstrates playing different dynamics (i.e. volume)
·             Demonstrates playing different tempos (ie. speed)
·             Construction of Instrument
Please label the bag/container items are brought in in so we know what belongs to who.
Please indicate if any of the materials are for sharing with others in their class.
We will be making our instruments on
January 18th
Ms. Heidi Hayward

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