Morning Reading Buddies
Students in Ms. Hung's grade 4 class read to the students this morning.
Today we started our science fair project. Students brainstormed a list of items of what they think we need to make vanilla ice cream.
I told students that we will be making ice cream 3 different times with changing ingredients.
I listed all of the ingredients needed to make vanilla ice cream into 3 categories.
In the first group: ice cubes, cream, milk, sugar, vanilla and salt.
Second: ice cubes, cream, sugar, vanilla and salt.
Third: ice cubes, water, cream, sugar, vanilla and salt.
Students came up with a hypothesis, they think that to make good ice cream, we need the ingredients in the first group. We even took a survey.
After, we made ice cream 3 different times in order to see which group of ingredients supports the hypothesis.
Making Ice cream part 1:
Ingredients: Milk, cream, vanilla extract, sugar, salt and ice cubes.
After, we started to shake the bag.
At the same time, we began to make ice cream using the same ingredients except without adding milk..
While we were shaking the 2 bags, students noticed that the bag without milk was not as thick.
We started to make the third ice cream
Students observed the 3 bags and noticed that the 2 other bags containing the different ingredients did not make good ice cream as it did not get thick.
Students mentioned that the reason why the other 2 bags did not get thick was because we didn't add any milk.
Students were excited to see that our hypothesis was right! In order to make good ice cream we need the following ingredients: milk, cream, sugar, salt, ice cubes and vanilla extract. 

We continued to shake the bag and eventually our ice cream was ready!
We went to the cafeteria to enjoy some yummy vanilla ice cream!
Students used their senses throughout the experiment to smell, touch, and taste ice cream!
Gym with Mrs. Jans
Math: Data Management
Students continued to learn about picture graphs.
Students worked in their workbook and went around the room to and asked their peers in order to find out what their favorite vegetable is.
After, we came back to the carpet and students shared their findings with the class.
We continued learning about the sound/letter Bb.
Students worked on a letter Bb worksheet.
French with Mlle. Jessica
Thank you,
Ms. Ayoub