Monday, 12 February 2018

100th day

Don't forget to wear your 100th day t-shirt tomorrow! 

Monday, February 12th

Morning Routine

Kai is our calendar helper this week!

Gavin is our plant feeder this week

Phonics: letter Z
students learned the sound, action and song for the letter Z. We watched bounce patrol and brainstormed words that have the letter Z

Journal: Today students wrote an acrostic poem using their name!

Math: Time 
students were introduced to time to the half hour. Students practiced writing the time on a clock on the board and then worked on a worksheet.

Gym with Ms. Yustin

Unit of Inquiry: Space

Today we started a new UOI unit about space! We completed a KWL chart to find out what students already know about space. We also wrote down questions the students wonder about.
After, students drew pictures of the solar system.