Morning Routine
Today we changed our special helpers for the week
Devan is our calendar helper this week
Mila is the plant feeder this week
Today we explored the letter Ee. Students know that the letter Ee has two sounds (short and long)
Students brainstormed words that have short/long Ee sounds. After, students worked in pairs to form sentences using the words.
Students presented their sentence infront of the class
Surina and Kaysha's word was sleep. Their sentence: We sleep at night.
Devan, Mila and Gavin's word was Eagle. Their sentence: Eagles like to fly.
Syra and Farah's word was eggo. Their sentence: I put syrup on my eggo.
Aarna and Kai's word was eagle. Their sentence: Eagles fly really far.
After students worked in their journal and wrote about what they did on the weekend.
Gym with Mrs. Jans
Math: Data Management Review
Students continued to explore graphs, tally marks, sorting and organizing objects.
We started the lesson by conducting a survey to see what the favorite school subject is. After, we wanted to see if students had any siblings.
Students counted the tally marks and then displayed the numbers on a bar graph.
After, students did their own survey and asked their friends what their favorite type of weather is.
Unit of Inquiry: Sensational Senses
We read a story about our sense of taste, after, students created a list of their favorite foods and had to write if it is sweet, sour, salty or bitter.
After, we practiced our Christmas song and dance.
Thank you,
Ms. Ayoub