We started the day reviewing the letter and short sound Uu.
We watched Jack Hartmann and discovered more words that start with the letter U and words that have the short U sound.
After, students worked on a letter U worksheet
Patterning Review cont.
Today students continued reviewing patterns. Students worked on a pattern worksheet. After, students used geometric shapes and blocks to create a pattern and got a friend to guess what their pattern was.
Gym with Mrs. Jans
Unit of Inquiry: Sensational Senses
Today we continued to explore our sense of sight. We read a story about eyes. Students discovered that the eye has 2 very important parts, the Pupil and the Iris. Students know that the Iris is the color part in our eye and the pupil is he dark circle in the center of the eye. Students learned that the pupil expands in the dark to help us see better!
Students drew a picture of their own eye and labeled the parts of the eye.
After, students had some time to play with the blocks and puzzles.
Students worked together and used their problem solving skills to complete the puzzles.
French with Mlle. Jessica
Thank you,
Ms. Ayoub