Tuesday, 14 November 2017

We started the day by reviewing the letter/sound Ff. 
Students worked on a letter Ff worksheet.

Music with Ms. Hayward

Unit: Data Management
Today students explored graphs. First, students were asked to look at a picture graph and describe what they know. 

Some students said that this graph shows us that people like Pizza.
I explained to students that this is a picture graph and that graphs help tell us information about something. Students then guessed that this graph is telling us what people like to eat. 
Students knew that the most popular food was Pizza because it had the most votes, Pita was the second most favorite and hot dog was the least.

We created a KWL chart together.

After, I gathered a bunch of different items from the classroom and told students that I need to sort out my objects, what should I do first?

Students suggested that I organize the objects and put them in groups. So we put the books together, the scissors together, the glue together and the eraser together. Then, we counted the items and placed them in a graph. Students were able to identify which item I had the most of.

After, I told students that I wanted to know what their favorite food is. 

I came up with 4 different types of food and students voted their favorite food.

Students were asked to describe the graph and what it is trying to tell us.
Students know that Pasta was the most favorite food in S.K

After, students worked in their math work book and colored in a graph to see what color bean is the most popular. Students asked their friends at their table.
First, we did one together as a class.

The most popular bean was the blue bean!

Students had so much fun collecting data!

We took up their findings as a class after. 

Gym with Mrs. Jans

Kindness tree

Students took their kindness message and we stuck it on the tree in the auditorium

Silent Reading
Students looked through books and read some familiar words and recognized letters and sounds.

French with Mlle. Jessica

Thank you,

Ms. Ayoub