Phonics: Today we learned the sound, action and words that begin with the letter H.
We watched a bounce patrol video and discovered new words that begin with the letter H.
We brainstormed words together.
After, students created the letter Hh using playdough and worked on a letter H worksheet.
Journal: Students wrote about what they did on the weekend.
Students copied sentence prompt on the board, "On the weekend I...." students sounded out words and wrote about what they did over the weekend.
Math: Today we talked about sorting and why it is important to sort objects in groups. We looked at things around the classroom and noticed how the books were all sorted, how the pencil caddy is sorted. Students know that it is important to sort and organize things because it makes it easier to find where things are.
Students were asked to look at this image and guess what the sorting rule was.
Students noticed that the toys were sorted based on their color.
Students know that objects can be sorted in different ways based on their attributes.
After, we worked in our math work books and sorted hats. Students grouped the winter hats together, the helmets together and the baseball caps together.
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Mila's sorting rule: Hearts and squares together & circles and triangles together |
Syra's sorting rule: Flowers & circles
Kaysha's sorting rule: balloons together and squares together
Gym: Visit Mrs. Jans blog
Unit of Inquiry: We have started our new unit, Outside Our Window. In this unit we are exploring the different seasons. Students know that we are in fall and that leaves change color and fall off the trees.
We went on a nature walk outside and discovered all the different color leaves.
Look at what the SK students discovered outside:
After, we watched a video about fall and students learned how the weather gets colder and the days get shorter in fall. Video "Autumn is Here"
Students worked on a worksheet and drew different things that happen during fall.
French: Visit Mlle. Jessica's blog
Thank you,
Ms. Ayoub