Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Autism Awareness

Tomorrow is Autism Awareness day. 
Please come to school dressed in blue to show your support!

Wednesday, March 28

Students reviewed words that contain the "ch" sound and made a list of words in their journal

Math: Dime, Penny & Nickel Review
Students compared the similarities/differences between the dime, nickel and penny. (they all have the queen on it, the nickel has a beaver, the dime has a boat and the penny has a maple leaf) 
Students reviewed how to count dimes and pennies. Students worked on a worksheet to show their understanding.

Gym with Ms. Yustin

Unit of Inquiry: Space
Students completed writing their summative task. 
After, We watched a Easter bunny movie!

After, students practiced for their upcoming spelling test

Report Card reflection
Students wrote about 1 thing they learned this term on their report card.

French with Mlle. Jessica